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Waste Not Want Not is the seventeenth episode in Season 9 of MasterChef. It aired on August 29, 2018 on FOX. Gordon Ramsay joins the Top 7 in cooking with food scraps, one chef made a surprise comeback in the Elimination Challenge, and a shocking elimination of a front runner occurred.

Mystery Box Challenge[]

The Top 7 entered the MasterChef kitchen as Farhan wanted to break away from his original goal of Indian cooking and go forward. Farhan said that being mentored by Aarón was bringing him one step closer to becoming the next MasterChef. After reminding them about the grand prize, the judges had the Top 7 lift their Mystery Boxes, only to find food scrapes that confused Gerron. Ramsay explained that what was in front of them were ingredients that most home cooks and chefs threw out. They included carrot and beet tops, chicken liver, beef trimmings, fish roe, Hamachi collar, chicken carcasses, cauliflower, and broccoli stems. Aarón added that there was a movement to minimize food waste in recent years and announced the Food Waste Mystery Box Challenge. The Top 7 had to make a dish using the provided food waste, and the winner would win an advantage for the Elimination Challenge. Then, Joe revealed they invited a special guest to cook alongside them and show how a professional chef could use the ingredients wisely. That chef turned out to be Ramsay himself. Ashley was happy to cook alongside her mentor as she could always learn something from Ramsay.

The Top 7 and Ramsay had 45 minutes to cook their dishes. Ashley asked Ramsay what he was making, but the latter said he had no idea right now. Recalling how his father used ingredients to their fullest, Farhan made a pappardelle with Hamachi collar with a green curry sauce. Julia decided to make an upscaled chicken pot pie but got distracted by Ramsay's cooking. Aarón and Joe said this was the first time they had a challenge like this, but the former also noted its difficulty. Still, Joe wanted to see them create a dish worthy of being on his menu. At the same time, Bowen explained how Chinese people ate different animal parts as a good chef wasted no food. So, Bowen made a fried chicken liver with sauteed mushroom cream sauce on Italian pasta. This was so Bowen could redeem himself from the Pasta Trio Pressure Test. When Joe came to Gerron, he said he was the last chef wearing his apron and last chance. Gerron told Joe that he was making fresh pasta with roe and lemon chicken stock, knowing he would not let his mentor down. When Aarón checked on Samantha, the latter made a soup with chicken stock and ginger.

Meanwhile, Ashley told Joe that she was channelling her grandmother and making a stuffed agnolotti with chicken liver. Fifteen minutes left, Cesar told Aarón that he had never cooked with waste before. Cesar made grilled chicken liver skewers with sauteed beet tops, roasted mushrooms and pickled broccoli and cauliflower stems. Also, Cesar wanted to try a surf n turf idea with the Hamachi collar, but Aarón told him to make a cohesive dish as one of his three remaining chefs left.

Joe checked on Ramsay to see what the latter was making. Ramsay revealed a three-course dinner with his ingredients, explaining to Joe how beetroots can be caramelized. Joe playfully reminded Ramsay to season his dish with salt and tossed some at the latter. Nine minutes left, Aarón and Joe discussed how many chefs were left. While Ramsay and Aarón each had three left, Joe only had Gerron left and had high hopes for the latter's dish. Eventually, everybody had their dishes cooked and plated on time. Before tasting the dishes, Ramsay brought up his three-course to the front. The appetizer was a chicken liver mousse parfait with chive blini, the entrée was a braised Hamachi collar with carrot top chimichurri and broccoli-cauliflower stem salad. The dessert was a salted caramel beetroot stem with vanilla shortbread and lemon whipped cream. Ashley was impressed by how Ramsay made three dishes from scrapes in forty-five minutes, and Aarón and Joe praised all three dishes.

Afterwards, Joe called up Samantha as the first person in the Top Three, blowing the latter away because she learned how to work her budget as a college student. Samantha presented her chicken bone broth with juice pulp, cauliflower stems and crispy chicken skin. Samantha said she wanted to make a healthy dish out of the ingredients within the time limit. Joe praised the depth of flavor between the ginger and kale and called merging the pulp and broth as it tasted like a restaurant-quality dish. Ramsay slurped the dish in enjoyment as it tasted heart but suggested flash-frying the chicken liver for a Pho-styled dish. Still, an impressed Ramsay said that if Samantha could make an incredible dish with unwanted food bits, he wondered what she could accomplish with a box full of perfect ingredients. After Samantha's review, Aarón called up Ashley as the second person in the Top Three. That excited Ashley, as she called it an honor to make her grandmother's favorite meal. Ashley presented her juice pulp agnolotti stuffed with chicken livers and mushroom brown butter sauce. Aarón asked Ashley how the challenge spoke to her concerning her job as a professional shopper. Ashely said she would explain to the customer how to stretch their budget and use every aspect of their ingredient. Aarón loved how Ashley brought out the pure flavors of the liver, and the herbs helped lift the pasta. The only thing Aarón wanted more of was the mushrooms. Then, Joe said the dish respected the norms of agnolotti and said the pasta was spot on. The only thing Joe would have changed was having Ashley on his team instead of Ramsay's but in a joking manner. The final person called up to the Top Three was Cesar, who claimed it was a long time since being in that position. Cesar presented Ramsay his grilled chicken liver skewers with beet tops, mushroom stems, and broccoli-cauliflower stems. Ramsay said it looked breathtaking and asked Cesar his first thoughts upon seeing the ingredients. Cesar said that it reminded him about the talks he had with his father as the latter went dumpster diving when he came to America and made a lot of sacrifices for him. Ramsay wished Cesar's father was here now because the dish was cooked with heart and said the pickling lifted the flavors. Ramsay was proud that Cesar made something beautiful from a box of leftovers, while Aarón deemed it rich and homey. Special praise was given to the mushroom stems as they complimented the chicken liver. Not only was Aarón proud of Cesar as a student, but he was bringing honor to their Mexican heritage.

After a short discussion, Joe announced that the Mystery Box Challenge winner was Cesar. For winning the challenge, Cesar was immuned from the Elimination Challenge and won his spot in the Top 6. Cesar said it was rewarding to have the judges validate his dish, and he was thrilled to watch the challenge from the balcony.

Elimination Challenge[]

Before the Elimination Challenge began, Ramsay told Cesar he had a second advantage that would be revealed later in addition to immunity. The six remaining home cooks must compete in the Elimination Challenge, as Aarón called them to the front. Ramsay pulled out the complete ingredients from the Mystery Box Challenge, including a whole chicken, ribeye steak, Hamachi filet, beets, kale, whole cauliflower and broccoli, and ginger. Still, Ashley knew there was added pressure to take a perfect ingredient and elevate it, blanking on an idea.

For the Whole Ingredient Elimination Challenge, the six home cooks had 45 minutes to cook a dish using any of the provided ingredients. Gerron decided to make braised chicken thighs with braised kale to honor his Southern roots and did not want to let Joe down. Samantha felt nervous as she was in the Top Three in the last challenge, so everyone expected her to keep the bar high. So, Samantha cooked a pan-seared ribeye and a mushroom cream sauce with a carrot vinaigrette slaw. The judges talk amongst themselves about their expectations of the challenge as Ramsay wanted elevated profiles for a restaurant quality. In contrast, Joe wanted to see the journey up until now. Thirty minutes left, Joe checked on Julia to see how she was doing. Julia admitted that his challenge was harder than the last due to the endless options. Still, Julia said she was making a pan-roasted chicken breast with roasted beets and carrots that she would turn into a puree. Joe reminded Julia that someone would go home that night and asked who she thought would be eliminated. Julia said Bowen because the latter was stagnant in cooking and had nothing left to do. When Ramsay checked on Ashley, the latter was pan-searing her Hamachi and making a cauliflower puree to go with it. Ramsay asked Ashley who was going home that night, and she said Bowen due to his refusal to learn anymore.

Fifteen minutes left, Farhan told Aarón he was cooking the Hamachi and making a kale fritter with beet puree. Farhan said he wanted to bring Indian cuisine up to the world the way Aarón did with Mexican cuisine, though the latter commented how the puree made the former's lips pink when he tasted it. When Ramsay checked on Bowen, the latter was pan-searing his Hamachi and making a kale salad and cauliflower puree. Then, Ramsay asked Bowen if he was skilled enough to make it to the Top 6 as everyone else felt he was ready to go home. Bowen said he was not, as he refused to dictate his fate. He told Ramsay that everyone, including his parents, did not believe he could be a great chef, which upset Bowen. Ramsay calmed Bowen down and told him to focus on what is happening now and not on his past. Nine minutes left, Ramsay believes that the pressure is taking a toll on Bowen, while Joe sees Julia in a funk, concerning Aarón as he may be losing a home cook. Eventually, everyone had their dishes cooked and plated on time.

Before judging the dishes, Aarón told Cesar the second advantage Ramsay mentioned earlier: saving one person downstairs from elimination. After careful consideration, Cesar decided to save Gerron due to their common goals and wanted a final battle at the end. Gerron considers it a blessing, and Joe thanks Cesar for saving his last home cook. Gerron joins Cesar on the balcony, and Ramsay congratulates the former for making it to the Top 6.

Afterwards, Aarón calls up Bowen as the first chef to have his dish judged. Bowen said it was a rough night, and he knew he must prove to the judges he deserved to be there. Bowen unveiled his pan-seared Hamachi with sweet and sour kale salad and cauliflower puree. Aarón found the fish beautiful due to the glistening meat and shook Bowen's hand for respecting the Hamachi. The seasoning had aggressive seasoning, and the vegetables had a good crunch. The only thing Aarón suggested was a lemon vinaigrette drizzled on top. Ramsay was impressed by the cook of the Hamachi and found the puree creamy but suggested adding pickled ginger into the kale salad to brighten it up. Then, Ramsay brought up the biggest irony of the night: while everyone thought Bowen would go home that night, Ramsay can confirm that the dish was good enough to keep him around longer. As Bowne went back to his station, he felt great and thought he was back on track to go to the finale.

When Julia went up, she said she struggled on a concrete recipe, but she felt confident due to being in more pressure tests than anyone, and she always stood on top. Her roaster chicken breast with cauliflower couscous and beet carrot puree was cooked perfectly, but Joe found the flavoring to be bland. When Julia said she wanted to make a chunky puree, Joe questioned that decision as he thought purees were supposed to be smooth. Julia tried to defend her decision, but Joe turned to Ramsay and asked if there was such a thing as a grainy puree. Ramsay said no because a puree was supposed to be smooth. That caused Julia to change the puree to a mashed hesitantly. While Joe liked the couscous, he found the puree terrible and called the chicken breast something he would find in an airline dish. Joe was surprised about Julia's mediocre dish as he knew she made dishes more sophisticated weeks ago and did not know if the dish was Top 6 worthy. When Aarón tasted the dish, he said the chicken was boring, and the puree was grainy with an off-putting presentation. What's worse, Aarón deemed the couscous watery and compared it to a buffet platter meal. Aarón reminds Julia that he brought her into the competition, but a poor dish could not guarantee her safety. Still, Julia arrogantly said that any mistakes made on her dish were not enough to send her home as she had more passion than anyone else.

Ashley was the third home cook up and was ready to prove she could cook with an unknown protein like Hamachi. Her pan-seared Hamachi with roasted beets, sauteed mushrooms and cauliflower puree had a beautiful sear, and Ramsay loved the dish's seasoning. Joe deemed the sear beautiful and loved the crunch of the vegetables, knowing that this dish was the result of Ashley's month-long journey in the MasterChef kitchen. When Farhan went up, he was proud of his dish as he wanted to show the judges he was brave enough to cook with a new protein. Farhan's spice-crusted Hamachi with beet puree and kale fritter had an okay cook, but Aarón said the texture was the only thing that worked with the dish. He found the puree off-putting because it was Earthy and muddy, reminding Farhan that it was a huge disappointment since he wore his pin. Joe disagreed with Aarón's review of the cook as he found it overcooked and reminded Farhan of the essential rules and standards of cooking. Joe said Farhan broke several cardinal rules with his dish: making beet puree as the vegetable was too fibrous to be smooth, and the Hamachi was medium cooked instead of rare. After his critique, Farhan felt defeated as he thought his dish was good. The final person up was Samantha, who hoped her steak had a good temperature as it did a sear. Her pan-seared ribeye with mushroom cream sauce and carrot vinaigrette slaw had a perfect medium-rare cook inside, and Gerron could see the cut from the balcony. Ramsay found the flavoring delicious and the sauce flavorful, but warned Samantha to be careful of mixing the acidity and creaminess of the sauces. Still, Samantha was happy to perform under pressure and was confident she was on the balcony.


Once the judging was finished, Aarón reminded the five home cooks that one of them would be going home that night. Ramsay revealed that three made restaurant-worthy dishes and were therefore safe. Those were Samantha, Bowen, and Ashley. As the trio walked up to the balcony, Ashley said she shined under pressure and was happy to make it to the Top 6. With that, Farhan and Julia were in the bottom two, something Samantha admitted she never thought would happen. Ramsay reminded the two that they were both from Chicago and mentored by Aarón, and the latter said he tried to impart the way he looked at ingredients. Ramsay called up Farhan's name and reminded the latter that his dish was not his finest. While Farhan was told to undo his apron, Ramsay told him to tie it up tighter and get his act together as he was a millimeter away from leaving. As Farhan went up to the balcony, he was relieved to survive and knew he had to step it up for the judges. Julia was eliminated for serving bland chicken, which shocked Ramsay as he admired how she stood out in Team Challenges. Still, Ramsay urged Julia not to stop her culinary journey, and Aarón said he did not regret giving her an apron. He told Julia to go back to Chicago and kick ass. During her exit interview, Julia called her journey amazing as she won five Team Challenges in a row and refused to give up cooking.

After Julia left, Ramsay congratulated the Top 6 for making it to that milestone. Samantha knew that three of the six wore Ramsay's pin, two wore Aarón's pin, and only Gerron wore Joe's pin. Samantha wanted an all Ramsay final three in the finale as the judges dismissed the Top 6 for the night.


  • Title Reference: The title refers to the Food Waste Mystery Box Challenge. It is also based on a popular phrase where people use everything without wasting it all.