MasterChef Wiki

Jaimee Vitolo was a contestant on Season 5 of MasterChef. She ranked in 6th place. She returned for Season 12: Back to Win, but failed to receive an apron.


Jaimee is unarguably one of the nicest and friendliest contestants in this series, along with Big Willie, and is pretty much a humble and innocent young woman. She wasn't one to interfere with others' work, nor did she involve herself in any of the arguments among the other contestants. These qualities make her very well liked among her fellow cooks. However, she did struggle to handle pressure at times and her ability to communicate with people was an obstacle when chosen as a team leader. She often relied on stronger contestants, such as Christian, to support her and her team during the Sunset Marquis challenge and Daniel on the football field challenge. She had also lacked self confidence at times and often struggled to have her voice heard in team challenges. She had a minor clash with Leslie during the tag team challenge because of a disagreement over ingredients and techniques, but fortunately, the issue resolved itself and their dishes came out satisfactory, in spite some communication barriers. Despite having spasmodic dysphonia, a condition which cause the muscles producing a person's voice to go into periods of spasm, she did well in her time in the MasterChef kitchen and proved to have exceptional cooking skills. However, she not excel on all dishes, such as Alexander's panna cotta challenge and the Croquembouche challenge, which leads to her elimination. She developed friendships with Elizabeth, Daniel, Leslie, Christian, and Christine, and even dealt amicably with Cutter, who few contestants got along with.

Season 5[]

Episode 1[]

Jaimee was one of 30 home cooks brought to the MasterChef Kitchen. She, along with 17 other contestants, received their aprons after the first audition round.

Episode 2[]

Episode 3[]

Episode 4[]

Episode 5[]

Episode 6[]

Episode 7[]

Episode 8[]

Jaimee was selected to be on the Red Team, as the teams were divided by gender. She was not seen during the American Diner Challenge, and the Red Team won the service by just $5.

Episode 9[]

Episode 10[]

Episode 11[]

Episode 12[]

Episode 13[]

Episode 14[]

Episode 15[]

Episode 18[]

Episode 19[]

Competition History[]

Week 2 In/Immune
Week 3 Pressure Test
Week 4 In/In
Week 5 No Pressure Test
Week 6 In/In
Week 7 In/Immune
Week 8 Win
Week 9 In/In
Week 10 Win
Week 11 In/Win
Week 12 Win
Week 13 Lose/Low
Week 14 In/Win
Week 15 Lose/Eliminated

Season 12[]

Episode 3[]

Post MasterChef[]

  • After her appearance, Jaimee returned to a career in baking, launching her own cake company Tiny Whisk Bakes.


  • Jaimee has spasmodic dysphonia, a disorder in which the muscles that generate a person's voice go into periods of spasm. This results in breaks or interruptions in the voice, often every few sentences, which can make a person difficult to understand.
  • Jaimee was the only representative from Season 5 that returned in Season 12: Back to Win that failed to receive an apron.


Season 5[]

  • (After receiving her apron) "I think I might pee my pants."
  • (After being eliminated) "As a kid, I didn't have any friends, I got bullied, but now I've become stronger. This just definitely helped me boost my confidence and I learned a lot about not just cooking, but about myself. Nothing is getting in my way now; I mean I made it to the Top 6, like, that's a huge hurdle I just jumped so, I've overcome a lot of things that I didn't think I'd ever able to do."

Season 12[]

  • "7 years ago, I had a lot of muscle spasms all of the time. After MasterChef, I got diagnosed with a neurological disorder called dystonia which affects essentially my whole body, but it hasn't stopped me from cooking. I'm also running my own cake business now and I am back to show the world who I am now."
  • (To Gordon) "Fuck you better fucking keep me here, dude."
  • (After failing to receive an apron) "I got to hear Gordon say that I cooked my trout perfectly, so despite not getting an apron, it still paid off. You won't see the last of me."


Season 5[]

Season 12[]

External links[]


MasterChef U.S. Season 5
Gordon RamsayGraham ElliotJoe Bastianich
Francis BiondiWhitney BrayCutter BrewerElizabeth CauvelAhran ChoLeslie GilliamsChristian GreenGordon HoustonJordan KaminskiCourtney LapresiAstrid LaveniaFrancis LeggeElise MayfieldDaniel McGuffeyWillie MikeKira NovakVictoria ScrogginsStephani Syfax-ShepherdChristine SilversteinTyler ViarsJaimee VitoloDan Wu