Shayne Wells, also known as Shayne the Train, was a contestant on Season 5 of MasterChef Junior and Season 12 of MasterChef. On Season 5 Junior, he ranked in 3rd place with Adam, and on Season 12, he ranked in 16th place.
In 2021, he graduated from Klein Collins High School
Season 5
At 13, he, Mashu and Mark are the oldest contestants of Season 5.
He can play football and was part of a football team
MasterChef Season 12
At 18, he is the youngest contestant of the season.
He is the second contestant, first male contestant who received lesser bottom entries during their second run on the show, following Samantha (Season 12)
Season 5
"They call me 'Shayne the Train', cause I like finding the biggest guy and then going right at him."
MasterChef Season 12
"It's been 5 years. I've grown up a lot, I mean, I don't have a mohawk, I started college, and I am working at a Vietnamese barbecue fusion restaurant. I feel like I have unfinished business in the MasterChef kitchen and I am ready to prove Chef Shayne the Train is here to stay."
(After receiving his apron) "Man, am I excited. It feels so good to be competing with the adults. We're grown, and it's time to play with the big dogs. It's time for the big dogs to play with me."
"I'm so excited to be in the Top 20. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm not the same Junior that was here last time. I'm an adult now, and, man, I am back to win."
Gordon: "What do you think you'll be growing up? Are you gonna be a gin or tonic man?" Shayne: "I have no clue. Right now, I'm a water kind of guy."
(After Gordon Ramsay admits he likes vegan food) "Are you serious? Mr. Beef Wellington likes vegetables by themselves? This just sounds like a bad nightmare."
"The MasterChef Garden is incredible, but why couldn't we have some meat on ice out there? We couldn't have a couple of turkey legs or some steaks out there? Like, come on."
(About the Southern Fusion challenge) "Gordon and the judges tell us that we have to pick the country we are fusing Southern food with from a globe. This globe holds the future of what I'm gonna be making. If you say that out loud a couple times, it's a little crazy."
(After being eliminated) "The thing I've learned throughout this competition is you can't let your losses define you. I'm proud that I was able to build up the courage to come here again and to compete against adults, it's a milestone in itself. I'm confident, I know that this industry is meant for me, Shayne the Train out."