MasterChef Wiki

Victoria Scroggins was a contestant on Season 5 of MasterChef. She ranked in 10th place.


Victoria was shown to be fairly affable and outgoing. She was passionate, eager, and highly energetic. In the kitchen, she initially was viewed as an underdog as she was often in the middle of the pack, not having the worst or best dishes. Despite this, she still remained mostly consistent and could have some flashes of brilliance. She developed friendships with Courtney, Francis L, Elizabeth, Willie, and was one of the few people to get along with Leslie.

Season 5[]

Episode 1[]

As the contestants entered the MasterChef Kitchen, Victoria said the game started right now. She said she was getting an apron, and told everyone else they'd have to figure it out amongst themselves. Fortunately for Victoria, she was one of 17 contestants to receive their apron after the first audition roumd.

Episode 2[]

Episode 3[]

Episode 4[]

Episode 5[]

Episode 6[]

Episode 7[]

Episode 8[]

Episode 9[]

Episode 10[]

Episode 11[]

Episode 12[]

Episode 18[]

Episode 19[]

Competition History[]

Week 2 In/In
Week 3 Win
Week 4 In/In
Week 5 Win
Week 6 High/In
Week 7 Win/Immune
Week 8 No Pressure Test
Week 9 In/In
Week 10 Win
Week 11 High/In
Week 12 Eliminated

Post MasterChef[]

  • After her appearance, Victoria has a monthly storytelling show, Tell It: Brooklyn and is a private chef, she catered an event for Lady Gaga.


  • Victoria was never in the bottom of any challenge.
    • She was eliminated after a three-way cook off with a double elimination against Leslie and Ahran.
    • She is the second contestant to reach the Top 10 to never be on the bottom of a challenge, following David (Season 1).
  • All of Victoria's challenge wins were from Team Challenges.


  • (After being eliminated) "It's hard to say goodbye, but I'm excited to move on to what's next. I came into this loving food and honestly, it's only grown a 100%. I am stoked about my future, I'm stoked about what I've learned here at MasterChef, and I'm ready to hit the ground running and burn it down."


Season 5[]

External links[]


MasterChef U.S. Season 5
Gordon RamsayGraham ElliotJoe Bastianich
Francis BiondiWhitney BrayCutter BrewerElizabeth CauvelAhran ChoLeslie GilliamsChristian GreenGordon HoustonJordan KaminskiCourtney LapresiAstrid LaveniaFrancis LeggeElise MayfieldDaniel McGuffeyWillie MikeKira NovakVictoria ScrogginsStephani Syfax-ShepherdChristine SilversteinTyler ViarsJaimee VitoloDan Wu